Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Breaking Down the Central American Nationals

So the first WCQ has been finished, and the top 32 results are less than surprising.

16 Tengu Variants
4 six Samurai
2 gravekeeper's
2 x-sabers
2 gladiator beast
2 scraps
1 t.g.
1 fabled
1 light gemini
1 worms

As I have already talked about this trend before, tengu variants are trending very high, while gravekeeper's and x-sabers are also trending very low. What is surprising to me is that I feel like six samurai was underrepresented in this top 32, with spots being stolen with decks like gladiator beasts. Of course a few "rogue" decks will make it into top 32 and in this case only 8 "rogue decks"  (2 GB, 2 scrap, 1 t.g., 1 fabled, 1 light gemini and 1 worm). As we get further into hyper librarian's legality date, more and more players will be running plants and samurai and that should be what we are expecting at nationals in three weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I'm somewhat surprised no Fairy/Agent decks made it in tbh.
